What do you LOVE to do?

Specifically, what do you love to do in this profession? 

What lights you up?

The techniques, issues that you are fascinated by or problems that you love to solve shape how you serve or wish to serve your clientele.

Most of us when we start out, want to heal the WORLD! Yes, its true that massage therapy is a giant benefit to the human being and human spirit, and as time goes by we realize that not everyone WANTS the service we offer. 

But what about the people that do believe massage is a benefit and are looking for someone competent in this field? How do they find that someone to help them with their problems?

Knowing the techniques and problems you solve will guide your marketing and will BOOM your business. Why? Because you'll be targeting you perfect client.

If you don't feel comfortable working on pregnant women, it wouldn't make sense to advertise to them would it? If you don't feel comfortable working with athletes, it wouldn't make sense setting up at a sporting event would it?

"Meli, I don't want to push clients away." Yes! I get it, and that's where networking with other massage therapist who specialize in other areas to refer them to come in. Guess what, you will receive referrals too! The reality is, you can't help EVERYONE. This type of mentality will keep you from helping anyone. Especially the clientele that really really need you.

Wouldn't it be great to only work on clients that YOU want? In my experience that's the only way that I kept my schedule booked AND received referrals from other professionals and through my reoccurring clients. They knew the kind of work that I did and how I helped them, whenever they had a friend, family member or coworker that had a similar issue, my name was the first thing that came to mind.

So come on now, take the time to really think about your top 5 favorite clients and ask yourself these questions...
-What do I love about working with them?
-What do they do for a living? (I'll tell you why this is important later)
-What goals have I helped them achieve?
-Are there certain times in the sessions that I particularly find fascinating? That I'm drawn to?

These questions are just the start of your journey to fulfilling your dreams in this profession, but its the strongest start! When you know what you LOVE to do and WHO you love to help, it will make marketing to the crowd much easier.
